This challenge has been hosted by SEAC (Skiatook Emergency Assistance Center) for Skiatook’s Turkey Challenge. Donations from the community, local businesses, schools, and other contributions fund this seasonal food drive.
Now, how do you participate in the Turkey Challenge?
If you’re a student, your school may already participate in the Turkey Challenge. If so, bring non-perishable food items, such as Spam, Macaroni & Cheese, and Jell-O. Once you bring your food item(s) you will earn points.
What about points?
Food items are valued at different points, for example, Pop-Tarts are 3 points. Your school should have advertising of these point values per item. They will be tallied up and whichever class wins gets a pizza party! Just last year, Skiatook Intermediate Elementary won with 6235.117 total points!

If you want to donate and you’re not a student, or your school does not participate, you can go to the Skiatook Emergency Assistance Center.
What other things can I bring for the Turkey Challenge?
You can bring Soups, Pasta, Peanut Butter, Rice, Canned foods and more.
Click Here for Skiatook High School’s Turkey Challenge Flyer
Ok, What progress has the Turkey Challenge made?
Skiatook High School has participated in the Turkey Challenge for over 15 years! So you can imagine just how many donations have been raised from the high school, even without including Skiatook’s other schools. As well as other external school donations.
Well, how do schools partner with Turkey Challenge?
First, Student Council promotes the Turkey Challenge. Then, the Ag classes visit each school where they collect, sort, and deliver the donated food to the food pantry. Finally, volunteers. including NHS members. put together baskets and deliver them to people in need of assistance.
With all this being said, although Skiatook is a small community, we come together in mighty ways by working together to support and provide meals to those without during the holiday.