Our annual District Pep Assembly was hosted by Skiatook High School in the BWAC. After the schools had gotten all settled in, they sang along while the band played the school song. During breaks between the events, the band played their pep songs to keep some entertainment around. After they had finished the pep tune, Ms. Purdue and Ms. Dunkle made their introduction, starting the pep assembly off with a lot of Bulldog spirit.
The cheerleaders did the Skiatook Bulldogs roll call for each school, going from section to section saying “When we say Skiatook, you say Bulldogs!” “Skiatook!” and the school would yell back “Bulldogs!” It was super energetic and had a lot of Bulldog spirit. The principal from each school ran out to the floor with an introduction and a walk-out song. We first had Mrs. McGuckin for the Marrs Elementary school, then came Mrs. White, the principal of SE. Next up was SIE’s principal, Mr. Brown. From Newmen Middle School we had Mr. Scheihing, and lastly, from our very own Skiatook High School, we had our lovely Mrs. McElyea.
After they had finished with introductions, we had our first game announced which was dodgeball! The teams that competed were Marrs vs SE, then we had SIE vs NMS, and for the third battle, there was SHS vs The Business Office. After a tough first battle, Marrs had finally won. In the next battle, the Middle had won with ease. In the last battle, The High School reigned victorious.
During the foot race, Mr. Fredrich had pulled through and won. In the second, The Middle School beat Marrs and made it to the finals. In the finals, the game got so intense that we had to have a tiebreaker round. In the tiebreaker round The High School won again and this time it was for the whole competition.
In the Head, Shoulders, BALL!! game, Ms. Reeves came through after a false start and won! Also for a fun game, they had SE students pair with High School students to participate in a relay race with scooters!
Toward the end of the assembly, the cheerleaders dazzled everyone with their amazing skills while the band played magnificently. All of the schools showed their school spirit by doing the school chant, which was a competition for the spirit bone, where SIE won the bone with the most spirit in the whole district. As the assembly finished up, the band played the fight song while everyone sang along to close out the event.