According to, December 25, also known as Christmas Day, which used to be known as the Christianizing of the “dies solis invicti nati,” or in English “Day of the birth of the unconquered...
Skiatook art students were extremely successful this year at the 2024 Tulsa State Fair Junior Fine Arts Contest. Students could enter their art into individual classes to be judged by fair management....
Most people love the traditions of Halloween but don’t know where they come from. The tradition originally came from the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain. In the eighth century, Pope Gregory III designated...
As Jeffrey walked up to his house, the door opened on its own. He went scared, shaking, wondering if whatever waited inside would harm him. The second he stepped across the threshold, he vanished, and...
My mother always said to never talk back to adults. I made sure I never did to make her happy. I did good as to not disobey her orders even as the police called my name looking for me…
Have you heard of Literacy Night? It's a night full of reading interesting new books with family and friends! If you love reading and discussing books, this is the event for you. Literacy Night was hosted...
Our annual District Pep Assembly was hosted by Skiatook High School in the BWAC. After the schools had gotten all settled in, they sang along while the band played the school song. During breaks between...
"You wake up covered in blood; Screaming, you stare at your hands wondering whose blood it is. You turn on the lights and it's gone, was it all a dream? You turn off the light and as you drift back...
On Saturday, October 12, Skiatook High School Marching Band went to Edmond for the Oklahoma Band Masters State Marching Contest where they performed in a preliminary round at 3:45 in the sweltering...
The Bixby tournament of the bands is a marching band competition where bands from across the state compete in both a preliminary and final performance for a ranking and commentary from the judges to...
As she scrolled through old family photos on her phone, a chilling realization hit Hailey about one face that was always absent in person. Her twin brother, who had disappeared years ago, seems to have...
Current statistics
Over the last ten years, the reports on mental health disorders have increased 13% in the US. Estimation states that more than one in five US adults live with a mental illness. Many...